Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Curried functions in C# 2.0

This wasn't as difficult as I thought it might have been. Below I reproduce two examples of currying in C#. Easy!

        bool fn<B, C>(B b, C c) { return b.Equals(c); }
        Functional.fn<C, bool> curried_fn<B, C>(B b)
            return delegate(C c) { return fn(b, c); };

        public void CurriedFnTest1()
            bool test1a = fn(1, 2);
            bool test1b = curried_fn<int, int>(1)(2);
            Assert.AreEqual(test1a, test1b);

        Functional.fn<int, int> curried_adder_int(int c)
            return delegate(int p) { return FunctionalHelpers.adder_int(c, p); };

        public void CurriedFnTest2()
            int[] a = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            List<int> b =<int, int>(delegate(int a1) { return FunctionalHelpers.adder_int(2, a1); }, a);
            List<int> c =<int, int>(curried_adder_int(2), a);
            Assert.IsTrue(CollectionComparer.SetEqual(b, c));